
信息来源:88858cc永利官网学院办公室   点击次数:  发布时间:2016-06-01

         525日,美国霍顿学院(Houghton College) Wei Hu教授应邀做客和山数学论坛第95讲,做了题为“Two Applications of Data Science: Twitter spammer detection and Alpha Go”的学术报告。活动由校学科带头人、88858cc永利官网院长陶祥兴教授主持,我院部分教师参加了本次活动。

    报告中,Wei Hu教授为大家系统的讲解了Alpha Go的围棋工作原理、决策选择、运行机制及其在股票等方面的应用前景,为大家展示了大数据所具有的强大的决策力、洞察发现力和流程优化能力。

    会后,与会老师和Wei Hu教授做了进一步的交流。

        相关链接:Wei Hu教授附个人简介1985 – 1991, Lecturer of Mathematics Department of Mathematics Hangzhou Dianzi University; 2002 -- 2007, Associate Professor of Math and Computer Science Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Houghton College, New York; 2007 -- present, Full Professor of Math and Computer Science Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Houghton College, New York. Major in Machine Learning , Networking , Big Data and Cloud Computing and so on.