
信息来源:88858cc永利官网   点击次数:  发布时间:2022-04-16

一、报告题目:On the radial-angular mixed integrability for rough operators

二、报告人:伍火熊 教授

三、时 间:2022 年 4 月 17 (周)  15:00---15:50

四、腾讯会议号:762-7964-8189,  线下地点: 88858cc永利官网A4-311

五、报告摘要:Boundedness of operators on the mixed-norm spaces LpradLq ang  have appeared in different contexts, such as the estimates for the disc multiplier and Bochner-Riesz operators in some optimal range of values of p, for Strichartz estimates and the well-posedness of dispersive equations, etc. In this talk, I'll present some recent results on the mixed radial-angular norm inequalities for singular integrals with rough kernels as well as the corresponding maximal operators and Marcinkiewicz operators etc.


伍火熊,教授、博士生导师。20037月于北京师范大学博士毕业后到厦门大学数学科学学院工作,2006年晋升为教授;200710-20089月澳大利亚Macquarie大学访问学者;20148-20158月美国Wisconsin-Milwaukee大学高级访问学者。主要研究方向为调和分析,连续主持多项国家自然科学基金面上项目和福建省自然科学基金面上项目,已在J. Funct. Anal., J. Fourier Anal. Appl., J. Anal. Math., J. Differential Equations, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., Sci. China Math.等国内外数学专业期刊发表研究论文130余篇。

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